Memories ...
Anticipation ...
A Gift For All Local Parents
As an act of love, we invite you to drop your kiddos off for supervised craft/play.
2pm Monday (10/14)
4:30pm-5pm Tuesday-Friday (10/15-10/18)
2pm Sunday (10/20)
We want to show you LOVE is ALIVE by giving you and your children this treat!
Un Regalo Para Usted Que Habla Español
A las once de la mañana del miércoles 10/16 y tambien a las diez de la mañana del sabado 10/19, el señor Cano de Costa Rica predicará en español en la iglesia, Yah's Restoration Fellowship (YHVH's Restaurador Comunión) a la direccion: 806 Rains CR 3330, Emory, TX.
El señor Jack Chadbourne interpretará.
October 14-21, 2019
(Days begin at sunset prior to these dates.)
Celebrate Sukkot!
(Sukkot = Temporary Dwellings)
Our King lived in a temporary dwelling, The Tabernacle, with His people while they lived in tents. He resided in The Temple with His people in The Land. He put on the tabernacle of humanity to live among us, taking the form of a servant in order to die for us, and He was raised to new life in a new body. He promises His people a new life and a new body. When He comes again, He will live with us, giving us power to reign with Him. Then, all that is temporary will pass away, and we will dwell with Him forever.
Our Messiah Savior came to save us! Our Messiah King is returning to deliver us!
Read on to see what we've got planned this year, don't miss out on this exciting time!
We welcome families, couples, singles, and children with parent/guardian.
Contact us if you would like to celebrate Sukkot with us.
Camping Fee is $25 per Family.

These are photos from a recent Sukkot.
Setup Camp - Sunday October 13 - This evening begins the 1st holy day.
Daily Activities and Meetings - October 14-21, we'll have morning crafts for children and adults to enjoy together, various activities in the afternoons and evenings, and special meetings during the mornings, afternoons and evenings. Please see Fellowship for a daily schedule.
Strike Camp - Options: Sunday, October 20 prior to sunset; Monday, October 21 after sunset; Tuesday morning, October 22
Last Great Day - (Shimini Atzeret) Monday, October 21, we'll end our celebration with a special meeting and fellowship.
- Large open field camping area for tents, RVs, pop-ups
- Access to toilets
- Access to electricity
- Access to outdoor water
- Access to indoor kitchen, dining, and recreation area in fellowship building
- Indoor sleeping, showers, toilets - limited availability
- Outdoor lighting at one end of field near volleyball net (usually 11pm curfew for games)
- Limited access to main building
- THIS YEAR we have the use of an inflatable play area and inflatable slide Tuesday-Friday.
GROUND RULES: No one under age 18 is permitted in the sanctuary without adult supervision. Please be considerate of others in conduct, dress, and conversation. Be on guard for the safety of our children and report any inappropriate behavior to John Robinson or Tony Clawson. Everyone needs to pitch in and cooperate in keeping our facility clean and orderly. Thank you!
All overnight guests and campers, be sure to bring your own linens--sheets, blankets, bath towels, hand towels, washrags, pillows, and pillowcases. There will be none available in the dorms or apartment/house. Also, bring your own drinking cups to use during the day. Thank you!
Other personal items campers should consider bringing: lawn chairs, insect repellent, rain gear, clothing for all temps, cooler with ice and cold drinks, drinking water, coffee/tea and mug, Bible, spiral notebook, pens/pencils. These are just a few suggestions. There may be other items you'll need. See the section on FOOD.
Dress Code
We require modesty as defined on our Meet With Us page under Helpful Details: Dress Code. During the week, knee-length shorts are acceptable, and clothes are generally more casual than on Sabbath. But standards of modesty still apply.
Everyone should adhere to these standards so that we don't dishonor our Messiah. Thank you.
FREE T-SHIRT is available for those involved in our Sukkot! Our 2019 theme is LOVE ALIVE.

Monday 10/14
08:00 AM - Crafts
11:00 AM - Meeting:
John Robinson speaking
01:00 PM - Lunch
03:00 PM - Meeting:
Tony Clawson speaking
05:30 PM - Supper
07:00 PM - Praise & Worship, followed by foot-washing
Tuesday 10/15
08:00 AM - Crafts
11:00 AM - Meeting:
Jack Chadbourne speaking
01:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM - Youth Activities and Fishing
05:30 PM - Supper
07:00 PM - Meeting:
Tom Linebaugh speaking
Wednesday 10/16
08:00 AM - Crafts
11:00 AM - Meeting:
Arlay Cano speaking
Jack Chadbourne interpreting
01:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM - Youth Activities
05:30 PM - Special Supper
07:00 PM - Music at campfire
Thursday 10/17
07:00 AM - Those participating in abortion street ministry depart for Shreveport to return at 2PM.
08:00 AM - Crafts
11:00 AM - Meeting:
Rusty Miesel speaking
01:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM - Youth Activities
05:00 PM - Early Supper
06:00 PM - Early Meeting:
Eric Christian speaking
Special songs, dances
Campfire with deserts afterward
Friday 10/18
08:00 AM - Crafts
11:00 AM - Meeting:
Matthew Teel speaking
01:00 PM - Lunch
03:00 PM - Meeting:
Rusty Miesel speaking
05:30 PM - Supper
07:00 PM - Music & Bible Study
Sabbath 10/19
10:00 AM - Praise & Worship:
Arlay Cano speaking
Jack Chadbourne interpreting
01:00 PM - Lunch
03:00 PM - Meeting:
Eliyahu Cohen speaking
05:00 PM - Early Supper
06:30 PM - Singing Service
08:00 PM - Hayride
Sunday 10/20
10:00 AM - Ladies' Prayer
11:00 AM - Meeting:
Rusty Miesel speaking
01:00 PM - Lunch
02:00 PM - Youth Activities
03:00 PM - Q & A Rusty Miesel
05:30 PM - Supper
07:00 PM - Campfire Fellowship
Monday 10/21
11:00 AM - Meeting:
Jack Chadbourne speaking
01:00 PM - Lunch
03:30 PM - Optional Meeting
05:30 PM - Supper
Guests, please refer to Meet With Us page under Helpful Details, topic Meat.
Special Pioneer Dinner Wednesday - Bring "pioneer" clothes, an item or an outfit, if you'd like to dress up for an old-fashioned candlelit soup dinner. Children will learn to "set the table" and people will be encouraged to sit with those they don't know well, get to know one another better, especially "l'dor v'dor" (from generation to generation).
Communal Supper Menu (food provided by all for all) - For breakfasts and lunches, you're on your own.
Sunday - pizza
Monday - sandwiches
Tuesday - hot dogs, hamburgers, chips
Wednesday - soups, cheeses, crackers
Thursday - casseroles, salads
Friday - turkey, dressing, beans, mashed potatoes (cooked prior to sunset)
Sabbath - potluck
Sunday - grilled steak and chicken, potatoes (cooked prior to sunset)
Monday - sandwiches
Contact us if you have any questions about the menu or what to bring. We'll get back with you as soon as we can.

From 8am-10am, children, teens, and adults can have fun making corn bags and cornhole boards. Men and boys will be outdoors, building the boards. Women and girls will be indoors, sewing the bags.
But that's not all!!
Adults and youth will get to know each other more, learn to appreciate each other's differences, and teach one another how Yah's LOVE is ALIVE in us--from generation to generation!

Yah is providing for us
an amazing opportunity to enjoy
An inflatable obstacle course
and water slide will be
at the campsite
Tuesday through Friday.
Participants must sign a waiver.
There is no additional fee
for our campers and guests.

During the day and after the evening service until 11pm, youth are welcome to enjoy spirited volleyball. There is a volleyball net and outdoor lighting.
For those who prefer a fireside chat, we will have a campfire going most nights. Pull up a lawn chair and relax. Feel free to bring a guitar.

Is it kosher?
Looks like not.
Read the texts.
We eat and serve meats that comply with Biblical standards but which do not necessarily have a kosher designation. For example all hotdogs are beef, chicken, or turkey. Same for any pepperoni, sausage, or bacon we serve or eat. Thank you for the opportunity to clarify!
Thank you, Kathleen for your answer to Katie Glick about the ” kosher” question.
So glad Christian’s are taking Jewish holidays and symbols to fake people out to be Christians..
Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts. You make a valid point. Using Jewish holidays and symbols to get people to accept Christianity would be fake. Several hundred years ago, religious persons used pagan days and symbols like Christmas, Easter eggs, etc., to make Christianity attractive to pagans, and many well-meaning Christians still use these to make Christianity appealing to the culture; this, too, is fake.
YHVH says: Deuteronomy 13:13 … do not inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods?—that I also may do the same.’
But what about the days and symbols YHVH created? Genesis 1:14 says Yah created the sun, moon, and stars for signs, seasons, days and years. The word translated “seasons” is the same word translated “appointed feasts” in Leviticus 23:1-2: YHVH spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, These are the appointed feasts of YHVH that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are my appointed feasts.
Sukkot (Celebration of Tabernacles, a.k.a. Booths or Temporary Shelters), Sabbath, and other Biblical holy days are not Jewish inventions; they are YHVH’s celebrations. He calls them “my appointed feasts.” And He not only invites us to attend; He insists that we participate in them. He never made these appointments with only the Jews. He made these appointments with all His children. They’re family celebrations.
Most people, if they have an elderly relative who dearly wants the family to celebrate certain holidays together, make a special effort to attend. Most people keep doctors’ appointments. So if the Eternal One, our Heavenly Father, the Great Physician of our lives wants us to keep these appointments with Him, we’d be faking our love for Him and our confidence in Him if we ignored these celebrations, YHVH’s holy days, and symbols He gives us to point to the Messiah.
YHVH made these appointments with all of His people, Israel, not just with the tribe of Judah (Jews). Anyone who trusts Yeshua/Jesus with his or her life is born spiritually into the family of YHVH. John 1:12-13 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
Israel received the invitation, the mandate, to celebrate these events. All of us who trust our lives to Messiah Yeshua are adopted into the community of Israel and made an heir to all the promises. Here are just a few of the many Scriptures that tell us that all YHVH’s people are called Israel:
Jeremiah 31:33 (also quoted in Hebrews 8:10)
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Ezekiel 36:26-27 (spoken to the “house of Israel”)
And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.
Romans 11:25-27
Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob; and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.”
Galatians 3:29
And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
If we aren’t part of the Israel of YHVH by faith in Messiah, we have no promises and no hope.
Sukkot (Celebration of Tabernacles, a.k.a. temporary dwellings) is one of those holy days of YHVH that He wants His family to celebrate in memory of how He came to live with His people in the Tabernacle (Tent of Meeting) and later came to live with His people in the tabernacle of a human body, Yeshua/Jesus. He wants us to celebrate His Presence in us now as His Holy Spirit lives in the tabernacles of our human bodies. He wants us to rehearse the joyous celebration of Yeshua’s return to live with us and reign over all the Earth as King.
YHVH’s holy days and symbols point to Messiah Yeshua as The Way, The Truth, and The Life. It is through Yeshua that we are restored to fellowship with YHVH. Anything else is a fake.
Excellent response!
I’m excited to spend the Holy Days and entire festival of Sukkot with My Family at Yah’s Restoration Fellowship! Hopefully the warden says yes to our Assembly bringing a special Feast meal into the Assembly inside one of the TDCJ Units!
My family and I will be there and are excited to celebrate this feast with friends and family in Messiah! We can’t wait to see you there!!!
Thank you for posting this information.