Word Studies
...to be added soon...
Opening Prayer for Texas House (July 1, 2013)
John Robinson was asked to give the opening prayer for a special session of the House of Representatives in Austin. This session was called by Gov. Perry to bring up the bill concerning abortion regulations, which was passed by the house.Then the following week it was passed by the Texas Senate as well.

The Final Exam
a message from Pastor Robinson
on YouTube
The Greatest Threat
a message from Pastor Robinson
on YouTube
Strike While The Iron Is Hot
Iron Sharpens Iron
John Robinson
Gateway to Happiness
John Robinson
Food, Fasting, Fellowship, Faith
John Robinson
Hidden in Plain Sight
John Robinson
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...coming soon...

Temple Made Of Time
by Fountainview Academy
Mommy I Heard
by Nancy Santiago
Jewish Prayer
With Shofar
by Yamma Ensemble
...and more coming...

Next Steps...
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