Bible Studies

Topical Study - list of topical Scripture references for study

Word Study - focus on words that illuminate a topic or passage


Essays written by our pastor or others in our fellowship


These audio messages are by our pastor, John Robinson, or by other men of our fellowship.


Links to items of interest
While we may not ascribe to every belief and practice of persons and organizations represented,
we consider these worthy of  attention.

Bible and Notes-square

Word Studies be added soon...

Opening Prayer for Texas House (July 1, 2013)

John Robinson was asked to give the opening prayer for a special session of the House of Representatives in Austin. This session was called by Gov. Perry to bring up the bill concerning abortion regulations, which was passed by the house.Then the following week it was passed by the Texas Senate as well.

Watch the Video



Four Pillars of the Faith


...more to be added soon...

Note: We are not affiliated with nor do we receive any compensation from artists, authors, teachers, websites, organizations, etc. recommended here. These are suggestions, not endorsements. We have found these web offerings worth consideration and think you will, too. We appreciate our brothers and sisters in Messiah who are sharing the truth of Yah in word and deed.

stack of books


...coming soon...

listening to mp3


...and more coming...

linking to website on phone


...and more coming...

faith-based organizations

Faith-Based Organizations

Image result for images compassion international

Compassion International


... and more coming...

Next Steps...

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