2019 Yom Teruah - Blasting Shofars
Ever hear a shofar blast? The under-a-minute video below is a good opportunity to hear shofars of all kinds. We literally had a BLAST celebrating Yom Teruah! It was a joyous, blessed rehearsal of Messiah Yeshua's soon return!
If you missed out on the fun this year, check our website early next fall for the dates and times of our 2020 Yom Teruah celebration. Next year, join us as we rehearse Yeshua's return!
September 29 (Sunday) 6PM
Gather to praise and sight the new crescent moon (7pm-7:15pm).
Bring your shofars!
September 30 (Monday) 11AM
Gather for praise with shofars, shouts, music and learning. Pack a lunch if you'd like to stay to eat and fellowship.

October 9 (Wednesday) 4 PM
Gather for prayer, confession, teshuva, praise, and to learn more about this awesome time--what it means for us now and in the future.
At 7PM, we'll go to the Fellowship Building for a meal to break the fast together. Please prepare something before the previous sunset or bring what can be served promptly.