Mondays at 5:30pm, we'll have a meal in the Fellowship Building for our youth and children, as well as their parents (or other relative/guardian) and any young guests. If you also have children under school age, you may bring your little ones along with you.
Afterward, there will be music, sharing, and discussion for youth and activities for younger children, followed by free time until 8pm. Adults will be present to help supervise school-age children and youth to age 19.


Mitchel Young shared beautiful stones and petrified wood with our youth, explaining how he cuts, polishes, and wire-wraps the stones to make jewelry, reminding them that Yah works with each of them to make their lives beautiful and valuable.

Joshua Flores discussed scientific theory and Biblical truth regarding the age of dinosaurs while sharing photos showing human and dinosaur footprints in the same place, fossilized at the same time. He and the youth talked about truth versus fiction in what we often hear about such matters.

Pastor John Robinson read a story about a prince who loved a servant girl and wanted her to love him for himself, not because he had power over her, and so disguising himself as a servant working for her poor family, won her respect and love before asking her to marry him. The pastor likened this to Yeshua's demonstration of Yah's character so we could know and love him.

Jon Klopfenstein dramatized sin, how it affects us and how we can get victory over it, by using a demonstration involving a balloon filled with air, a balloon filled with water, and a flame. He showed how a person filled with the living water of the Holy Spirit can "stand the heat" while a person filled only with hot air can't.
Joshua Flores did a good presentation on the Truth about the age of dinosaurs.Then Jon Klopfenstein gave a demonstration using balloons about how when heat is applied to a balloon filled with only air it will quickly pop but the one filled with the water ( of the Holy Spirit) will stand up under pressure of the heat.