Sunday May 31 10AM
Message From Pastor: Our congregation will be observing the Holy Day of Shavuot (Pentecost) on Sunday, May 31st. Service will begin at 10 am followed by a communal meal. For an added blessing, come a day early and spend Sabbath with us in fellowship. To prepare our hearts for this time, we have called a three-day fast Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, meeting for prayer on each of those nights at 6:30. If you can’t come, please pray with us that YHVH’s will would be accomplished in our fellowship. For more information please contact us.
Summary of Schedule
Wednesday, May 27 - Friday, May 29
Pastor is calling us to three days of fasting (water only) with a 6:30PM prayer meeting each evening in preparation for an outpouring of Yah's Holy Spirit this Shavuot.
Shabbat, May 30
Regular Sabbath fellowship will be held at 10AM with Brother Jack Chadbourne bringing the message as Yah's Spirit moves him. We will share a potluck meal afterward. A meeting is also scheduled for 3pm.
Shavuot, May 31
Jerry Dodd will share a message as we anticipate the Holy Spirit's response to our prayerful surrender to Him. We will share a meal of cold or easily-prepared items.
Meaning of Shavuot
Yah's holy day of Shavuot ("Weeks" in Hebrew), also called Pentecost (from a Greek word meaning 50th), commemorates the time when Yah gave His Torah (instructions) at Sinai to His people, Israel, so they would know how to live a holy life. It was also on Shavuot after Yeshua's resurrection (exactly 10 days--as in 10 commandments--after His ascension) that Yah gave those who trusted and obeyed Him the gift of His Holy Spirit to dwell in them continually so they could indeed live a holy life.
At Sinai, the people promised to obey but rebelled and 3000 people were killed. At the temple during Shavuot when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in the people who put their confidence in Yah's promised Messiah, 3000 people were saved and given new life. We must not rebel, but instead, allow the Holy Spirit to empower us to be obedient children.
The Apostle Paul reminds us that even those of us who were once outside the covenant promises of Israel have now been grafted in and are children of Abraham by faith. So whether we were born Jewish or non-Jewish, if we have been born from above by the Holy Spirit's grace--that is, Yah's power at work in us to bring us to Himself with the purpose of living in holy fellowship with Him--through faith--that is, the kind of confidence in Yah that produces obedience to His Word, We have reason to celebrate on this glorious day of Shavuot!
Chag Sameach! (Happy Holy Day!)
Read about Shavuot: Exodus 20 and 32:28; Leviticus 23:15-21; Acts 2, especially verses 38-41
Read about how Messiah makes both Jews and non-Jews one people, Israel: Romans 11:17-18; Galatians 3:7; Ephesians 2:12-13, 17-22
It was everything Sister Melissa said and more. I and others, in submission to the Holy Spirit, experienced the gamut of godly emotions as He used us to weep with some, laugh with others, engage in warring prayer and exuberant praise, and truly love those we knew well and those we’d just met. When Sister Tiffany cried out, the windows of heaven opened. How could we be satisfied with less than the Ruach’s breath in us, speaking in and through us, knocking us to our knees in worship and raising us to our feet to dance in praise? How can we be satisfied with less than being used by Him to restore fellowship with YHVH and His people? How should we be satisfied until everyone we come into contact with–in person, as a group, thru the website–hears the Good News of Messiah Yeshua’s life-changing love? No way! We want to stay yielded and ready to serve our Savior, our King, loving Him with all our hearts and lives each and every day. This Shavuot is only the beginning of our renewed commitment to Him.
I’m still “on cloud 9” as they say (wish I knew who first said that) after our Yahsome Shavuot meeting. The pre-meeting fasting, the constant prayer, the worship, fellowship, food and fun, the joy, the opportunity to explore the LOVE of Yah together with sisters and brothers in Messiah — from all these things I am refreshed with more of the Ruach!
Comment made by Aylvia on 5-15-2020 at 1:43pm (copied from Shavuot 2019 Post)
We are new to Texas. Yah’s Restoration Fellowship gave us a wonderful warm and heart felt welcome. So blessed to have a place to fellowship, praise Yah and study with brothers and sisters in the faith as we seek Yah’s face and grow together in Him.
From YRF> Thank you! We’re so pleased Yah brought you to us. We hope you’ll be able to celebrate this Shabbat and Shavuot with us.