For the health and safety of our congregation we will not be having a congregational Passover meeting this year. Each family can actually have their own “holy convocation” to observe the Memorial event with the bread and the fruit of the vine representing our Savior’s sacrifice. So let’s examine ourselves especially at this time and let this be a meaningful experience as we prepare for the days ahead. . --Pastor John Robinson
Memorial/Passover - Wednesday, April 8, 2020
First Day of Unleavened Bread - April 9, 2020
Last High Day of Unleavened Bread - April 15, 2020
... memorial of the past and a prophetic promise of what lies ahead. This time is a reminder that Yahshua has miracles to accomplish in and through us. Since we know that "our fathers passed through the sea" then we can have assurance that we and our children can do the same as we “all eat the same spiritual meat and drink the same spiritual drink” from the same Rock that they drank from, “and that Rock was the Messiah.” (1 Cor. 10)